Friday, September 7, 2012

Pinch Pot:Pitcher

Slip and Score: Use a dull blade to scrape up the clay you are attaching and the place you are attaching to, then spreading slip, really wet soggy clay, over the scored places ad connecting them, then using slip to work the two together. If the two pieces are not slipped and scored it will fall apart or break in the kiln.
To make the bottom of my piece symmetrical I used "lazy susan"(turning table) to even out the sides and make sure it looked the same at every angle. The top part is not symmetrical, but on each indented edge I faced them towards me to make sure that a straight view from a side would make i look symmetrical.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome, so the "lazy susan" contraption is called a banding wheel (just for future reference). Can't wait to see the final piece!
